Smart Grow Yields

Why Choose Us

Fresh, tasty, and nutritional food, devoid of pesticides within everyone’s reach.

Smart Grow Farms
Magical Microgreens

Microgreens are indeed superfoods- rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants as well as fibre. These tiny nutritional treasure troves enhance the way your food looks. They come in varied shades and distinct flavours; you could use them to garnish just about any dish you prepare. 

According to researchers these magical miniature greens contain higher concentration of many nutrients than their mature fully grown counterparts.

Microgreens are quite easy to grow in small spaces and takes just few weeks to grow. Hence these are sustainable foods that can grow closest to consumers and offer an ongoing source of fresh food, full of nutrients. 


It helps to consume a mix of these greens in your daily meal, as their benefits are so varied as their looks and taste. Red cabbage microgreens, for example, are rich in vitamin C, while Radish microgreens are rich in vitamin E. Microgreens of cabbage & cilantro are high in lutein.

So, start garnishing your daily meal with our varied range of microgreens. Enjoy the magic of healthy, nutritious, and appetizing Magical Microgreens – all homegrown in the UAE, of course.

Smart Grow Farms
Hydroponic Fresh Harvests

A peep into the historical background of the ‘economics of food supply’ would help understanding that there has been a persistent search to produce more food (not quality food).

In this battle to produce more food (Quantity) the underlining factor to maintain quality has been lost. ‘Soil’ has lost its natural fertility and the eco-system – has been compromised in-order to reduce the crop life cycle and increase the yield. Water has been highly polluted with nitrate from farming, the most common chemical contaminant found in groundwater aquifers.


So why not opt for hydroponically grown produce that grow closer to where you live. Our farms are closer to your kitchen, so you get food that is fresh and full of nutrition. Food that is produced closer to consumers suffer lesser nutritional loss compared to food that is air-lifted from across the globe.

Hydroponic harvests are the future of farming as they are proving to be safe and healthier option for us while being sustainable to the planet.

Smart Grow Farms
Build a Farm and Grow With Us

We love building sustainable farms for our people, our economy, and the planet. 

Get us to design your farm. 

Why not invest in farming and embrace home-grown food? Fresh, tasty, and nutritional food, devoid of pesticides within everyone’s reach. If you think agriculture as a business does not belong to urban areas, please do visit our indoor vertical farm in the heart of Dubai.


Currently over 75% of food here in the middle east is imported. So how is this food produced.

In the Middle East, we have barriers like extreme heat and limited arable land. Importing fresh food from across the globe certainly gives us access to a wide variety but with a compromise on health and nutrition as well as sustainability.

Smart Grow Farms is an expert in Soilless and vertical farming methodologies that uses 90% less water and produces multiple times the crop yield in the same amount of space as conventional farming.

Lesser Water, Lesser Space, Superior Quality, Higher Yield

So, what’s in it for you? Let us explain this promising, yet sustainable proposition. Smart Grow Farms. 

Contact us to know more about soilless, multi-deck farming techniques. We have successfully completed over 120+ projects in India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.